June 2, 2016

3 Month Pupdate

3 month corgi puppy update Our little girl is growing up so fast! Yes, we are those people where our dogs are our children. Sorry we’re not sorry! Haha! The newest addition to our little family, Charlotte, is almost 4 months old now and is growing like weeds! And if it’s possible, she just keeps getting cuter and cuter!

We didn’t really realize how much she was growing until we looked at old pictures of her and saw how small she started! It’s hard to believe that she’ll be as big as Henry pretty soon! Now that we’ve had her for a while, we can really get a sense for her personality. This girl is feisty! It’s so funny how different she is from Henry, even when he was a puppy. Henry was was more mellow and liked to just keep to himself. Charlotte is a wild woman, loves to sit on your lap and is never shy to let you know that she wants something!

Before getting Charlotte, we were really curious as to how Henry would respond to her. Would he like her? Would he get jealous and territorial? Having Charlotte has made us realize how tolerant Henry is. Charlotte is constantly trying to play with him- jumping on him, full out biting his mouth, ears and back, stealing his toys, the works. And poor Henry just sits there and lets it happened. He hasn’t really snapped at her at all, he just sits there as she just keeps biting away at his face. And as time went on, he warmed up to her and would actually play back with her. It’s just the cutest thing watching them chase each other around and wrestle! Charlotte can definitely hold her own with Henry! 

And what would a post about puppies be without pictures! Here are a few snaps from the last few weeks. It’s crazy to see how much she’s changed! And just for reference, here she is at 8 weeks! So precious! 3 month corgi puppy update 3 month corgi puppy update9 weeks old. 3 month corgi puppy updateWhen we would walk them together, Charlotte would basically just bite at Henry’s face and leash the whole time. Poor guy. 3 month corgi puppy update 3 month corgi puppy update 3 month corgi puppy update 10 weeks old. Henry shares his favorite toy, how sweet!3 month corgi puppy update 3 month corgi puppy update And this was basically the constant scene for the first few weeks. Henry minding his own business while Charlotte tirelessly tries to play with him. 3 month corgi puppy update But every now and then, Henry had had enough! haha!3 month corgi puppy update But girl can sure hold her own! 3 month corgi puppy update 3 month corgi puppy update Just can’t leave him alone!3 month corgi puppy update 3 month corgi puppy update 3 month corgi puppy update 3 month corgi puppy update Girl loves to hang around the expensive equipment making mommy super nervous!3 month corgi puppy update11 weeks old. Getting bigger! Corgis ears start to stand up on their own when they’re a puppy, but we felt like Charlotte’s were taking longer than normal. So we check Henry’s puppy pictures and noticed that his were BOTH up by 9 weeks! So strange!3 month corgi puppy updateBut then at 11 weeks, one ear finally popped up! Girl has got some big ‘ol ears!! So then we entered my favorite corgi puppy phase- the one-up-one-down phase! 3 month corgi puppy update They stayed like this for a few weeks! That right ear was just taking it’s sweet time!3 month corgi puppy update 3 month corgi puppy update And now here she is at 3 months old! Both ears up!3 month corgi puppy update I actually think she’s cuter now than she was when we first got her. She’s a little calmer and is more comfortable with us, so she actually lets us snuggle her! I could just hold her in my arms forever!3 month corgi puppy update 3 month corgi puppy update How cute are these two??!! We can’t wait to get back to them when we get back from our trip this weekend! Hopefully she hasn’t grown too much! 3 month corgi puppy updateAnd of course there’s been plenty of iPhone pics and Snapchats along the way! 3-month-old-corgi-puppy-pictures_4793 3-month-old-corgi-puppy-pictures_4794 3-month-old-corgi-puppy-pictures_4795 3-month-old-corgi-puppy-pictures_4796 3-month-old-corgi-puppy-pictures_4797 3-month-old-corgi-puppy-pictures_4798

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