April 13, 2014

Jackson | 7 Week Old Golden Retriever Puppy

Virginia Wedding and Portrait Photography
Boy do we have puppy fever after this weekend! We went to visit Jackson, Branden’s dad’s new 7-week-old golden retriever puppy. Oh em gee. So cute!!! He is at such a precious puppy age where he does all the cute puppy things- super clumsy falling on his face all the time! And has to take a nap after 30 minutes of playing. It took a little while for Henry to warm up to him. Jackson was following him around wanting to play and Henry wanted nothing to do with him at first. But then he warmed up to him and they started to get along. They even shared a stick to chew on! haha! Since it was such a nice day, we took the pups over to the beach at Fort Monroe. Jackson walked right into the water! I was so surprised!! Henry won’t go near water!!! So enjoy all the cuteness on the blog today! And try to resist the urge to ask your parent or significant other for a puppy! ;)

Virginia Wedding and Portrait Photography
Virginia Wedding and Portrait PhotographyTeam work! haha!Virginia Wedding and Portrait Photography

Virginia Wedding and Portrait PhotographySharing a stick! How sweet!Virginia Wedding and Portrait Photography

Virginia Wedding and Portrait Photography
It’ll be interesting to take this picture again in a few weeks. I have a feeling Jackson will already be towering over Henry at that point! haha.Virginia Wedding and Portrait Photography
Puppy bites!Virginia Wedding and Portrait Photography
Look at those puppy teeth! Ouch!Virginia Wedding and Portrait Photography
Virginia Wedding and Portrait Photography
Virginia Wedding and Portrait Photography
Too much playing. Now it’s nap time.Virginia Wedding and Portrait Photography
Virginia Wedding and Portrait Photography
Walking right into the cold water! Fearless!Virginia Wedding and Portrait Photography
Just keep swimming :)Virginia Wedding and Portrait Photography
Virginia Wedding and Portrait Photography
Love that puppy sit!!Virginia Wedding and Portrait Photography
Virginia Wedding and Portrait Photography
Virginia Wedding and Portrait Photography
Virginia Wedding and Portrait Photography
Virginia Wedding and Portrait Photography
Virginia Wedding and Portrait Photography
He loved rolling around in the sand! Virginia Wedding and Portrait Photography
Virginia Wedding and Portrait Photography
Virginia Wedding and Portrait Photography
Virginia Wedding and Portrait Photography
Father and son with their pups.Virginia Wedding and Portrait Photography
Virginia Wedding and Portrait Photography
Virginia Wedding and Portrait Photography

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