March 31, 2016

Meet Charlotte!

7 seven week old corgi puppy pembroke welshIf you follow me at all on social media, then you have probably been spammed by me with pics of the newest addition to our household, Charlotte! We have been waiting for this sweet girl to join our family for so long now! And she was so worth the wait! She is just the sweetest, cutest, softest little puppy I have ever seen! But she’s also got a lot of sass and attitude!

It was a little over a year ago that we starting thinking about getting another pup. I think the idea was prompted when someone reached out to me asking where we got Henry. So we went ahead and reach out to the breeder that we got Henry from (WayJen Lowriders– they’re the best!) and asked when the next litter would be. They told us that they were actually planning to breed Henry’s parents again that summer and there was one spot left on the waiting list. Ah! So we jumped on it and put a deposit down in April. The plan was to have the mom get pregnant in the summer, have the pups in October and then we pick them up in December. So that worked out perfect since we would be getting the puppy in the off season! Well, come summer, the silly mom just didn’t want to come into heat! Each month we’d get an email from the breeder, ‘still not pregnant’. Finally by December, the mom was knocked up! We joke that we have waited for this puppy longer than you wait for a human baby! haha! But the wait made her arrival that much sweeter!

This past Saturday, we drove up to Richmond to pick up our little Charlotte! A little bit of back story on how we picked the name Charlotte. In case you didn’t know, Queen Elizabeth II is known for having corgis her whole life and still does today. So when we picked Henry’s name, we decided to go with a royal theme. So when Charlotte came along, we kept with that theme! SO our pups are basically royalty! haha!

When we pulled up to the breeders house and saw her walk up to us, I just couldn’t believe how cute she was! The breeders had sent us pictures over the last few weeks, but they really don’t do her justice! And everyone that came to visit her this weekend said the same! She is just the most precious little thing! We noticed right away that she likes to sit at your feet and follow you around. So cute! She and Henry met there for the first time and walked around the yard a little bit before heading home. 

We made the 2.5 hour drive back home with 2 pit stops in between. She was a champ in the car and slept most of the way. After getting home on Saturday afternoon, the visitors started arriving. They say it’s good to socialize puppies when they are young and this gal definitely had a good amount of that this weekend! Poor girl was totally wiped out by the end of the weekend!

As far as how things have been going with her, they’re going great! I will say that I forgot how much work a new puppy is! Oy! It’s so hard to get anything done when she has to constantly be watched by one of us. But she’s getting the hang of things pretty well- especially potty training! This girl a potty champ! Only a few accidents in the house (knock on wood) on the first day and always goes potty right away when we take her out! Winning! We’ve already noticed so many difference between her personality and Henry’s when he was this age. Henry was more likely to keep to himself and not interact with people. But he was pretty calm and was easy to train early on. Charlotte on the other hand is really sweet and loves to be near you- sitting at your feet, climbing on your lap, following you around. But she is quite feisty! This girl has got some attitude! She’s not afraid to let you know when she wants something!

We were really curious how Henry would react to his new little sister. He’s been a spoiled only child for 3 years now, so this will be quite a big change for him! Overall, he seems to be pretty indifferent to her so far and basically ignores her. She’s starting to be more interested in him and will sometimes jump on and bark at him. So cute. But Henry has been really good with not being territorial or aggressive with her. She’ll even come right up to him while he’s eating and take his food and he’ll just look at her like she’s crazy! So while they’re not best buds just yet, I pretty sure they will be in time!

So now that you’ve read Charlotte’s full biography, it’s time for what you really want to see- pictures! Needless to say, this girl has already been very well documented in her few days with us! I know that she’s going to grow so fast, so I want to capture every moment of her at this age! I even had to unload my phone pics and video twice… in the first 2 days… oops! She’s a little hard to photograph right now as she is always on the move, but I’m sure she’ll be hamming it up like her big brother in no time! So here are a few (ok, alot) pictures from her first week at home! Plus, some video from our phones! Enjoy!7 seven week old corgi puppy pembroke welshSaying by to her daddy at the breeder. 7 seven week old corgi puppy pembroke welsh Heading home!!7 seven week old corgi puppy pembroke welsh 7 seven week old corgi puppy pembroke welshPit stop! 7 seven week old corgi puppy pembroke welsh 7 seven week old corgi puppy pembroke welsh 7 seven week old corgi puppy pembroke welsh 7 seven week old corgi puppy pembroke welsh Made it home!7 seven week old corgi puppy pembroke welsh Love at first sight!7 seven week old corgi puppy pembroke welsh 7 seven week old corgi puppy pembroke welsh 7 seven week old corgi puppy pembroke welsh 7 seven week old corgi puppy pembroke welsh 7 seven week old corgi puppy pembroke welsh 7 seven week old corgi puppy pembroke welsh So sleepy….7 seven week old corgi puppy pembroke welsh 7 seven week old corgi puppy pembroke welsh Lots of visitors!7 seven week old corgi puppy pembroke welsh 7 seven week old corgi puppy pembroke welsh It’s hard to believe that it won’t be long before she’s as big as Henry!7 seven week old corgi puppy pembroke welsh 7 seven week old corgi puppy pembroke welsh 7 seven week old corgi puppy pembroke welsh 7 seven week old corgi puppy pembroke welsh Henry shows her how it’s done for the camera.7 seven week old corgi puppy pembroke welsh What a pro!7 seven week old corgi puppy pembroke welsh Trip to the park!7 seven week old corgi puppy pembroke welsh It won’t be long before she’ll outrun you, bud!7 seven week old corgi puppy pembroke welsh 7 seven week old corgi puppy pembroke welsh 7 seven week old corgi puppy pembroke welsh Let’s be honest, this is what most of our pictures with her look like. Like is said- FEISTY! 7 seven week old corgi puppy pembroke welsh 7 seven week old corgi puppy pembroke welsh Our first family photo as a family of 4!7 seven week old corgi puppy pembroke welsh 7 seven week old corgi puppy pembroke welsh 7 seven week old corgi puppy pembroke welsh 7 seven week old corgi puppy pembroke welsh 7 seven week old corgi puppy pembroke welsh She had a hard time with the stairs as first, but mastered them pretty quickly!7 seven week old corgi puppy pembroke welsh Now we can’t keep her off them!7 seven week old corgi puppy pembroke welsh But she still has a little fumble now and then…7 seven week old corgi puppy pembroke welsh That pout! Sassy!7 seven week old corgi puppy pembroke welsh 7 seven week old corgi puppy pembroke welsh 7 seven week old corgi puppy pembroke welsh Oh, my heart!7 seven week old corgi puppy pembroke welsh And of course, there were plenty of iPhone pics and video!7 seven week old corgi puppy pembroke welshWe’ve taken more videos on our phone that I’d care to admit! But she’s just too cute, I can’t help it! Check out this video with some of our clips stitched together!

If you want to see more of this precious little gal, follow me on snapchat! @AudreyDeyerle

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  1. Lauren says:

    What a cutie!!! Love that family photo! ;)

  2. Lauren says:

    Ugh!!!! ???????????????? I LOVE corgies!!!!!! She makes me want one so bad!!!

  3. Amanda Adams says:

    OMGosh! HOW did you get that little shot of her sniffing the flower?! I die!

  4. […] dogs are our children. Sorry we’re not sorry! Haha! The newest addition to our little family, Charlotte, is almost 4 months old now and is growing like weeds! And if it’s possible, she just keeps […]

  5. […] haha! This trip was a great way to cap off the past several crazy weeks we’ve had- getting a new puppy, quitting my job, Branden graduating medical school, buying a new house and traveling to Europe! […]

  6. […] We added our second fur baby to the family, Charlotte! […]

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