Weekend Update

First wedding of the year is a wrap! It was the perfect sweet and easy going wedding to kick off the year! And my first wedding weekend of the year was also a very busy one! Out of town engagement session on Friday, wedding on Saturday then photographing a calligraphy workshop for a friend on Sunday morning! My poor body isn’t used to this much activity after the off season. Let’s just say I’m nursing a pretty steady headache right now! 


March 19, 2018

A Look At My 2018 Wedding Season

You’ve probably heard me say over and over that this weekend is my first wedding of the year!! I just can’t help but share- I’m so excited! This is one of my favorite times of year where I am full of motivation and inspiration as I start a new fresh wedding season! And I am SO excited for all my weddings this year! So many sweet couples and places! I know it’s going to be the best year yet! Here are the sweet couples you’ll get to see tie the knot this year!


March 15, 2018

How’s Branden Liking Residency?

I always say that when people are asking you the same questions over and over, that means it’s time for a blog post! So if I have brides asking me for engagement session outfit ideas or photographers asking what lenses I use, I’ll blog it! Same goes for personal things. And lately the question I always get is “How is Branden liking residency?”, so that means it’s time for a blog post!


March 13, 2018

4 Ways To Create A Personal Brand

One of the biggest complaints that I hear from photographers is how hard it is to stand out in such a saturated market. In case you didn’t know, there are a TON of photographers out there! Now that nice cameras are so accessible, it’s much easier for people to start a photography business, hence the huge surge of them over the past several years! So the best way to stand out in this industry is YOU!


March 8, 2018

Rising Tide NOLA 2018 Leaders Retreat

If you’ve been following my blog for a while, then you know that I like to blog weddings, sessions, travels, etc pretty much right after they happen. So it may surprise you to see me blogging a trip from over a month ago! Honestly, I was planning on not blogging this trip, but the more I thought about, I realized there was no way that I couldn’t! So let me take you back to annual Rising Tide Society leaders retreat in New Orleans!


March 6, 2018

Top 3 Ways Brides Find Me

No matter what stage of your business you are in, attracting prospective clients is an on-going effort. Whether you are just starting out and trying to get your initial set of clients or you are a seasoned business owner that is working to keep that steady stream of clients. So the question is, how do you get those prospective clients to find you?


February 28, 2018