What an amazing 2 days I have had!! This past Monday and Tuesday (and Sunday night!) I’ve been at the Amy & Jordan workshop in Virginia Beach. For those of you not in the photography world, Amy & Jordan are a rock star husband & wife wedding photography team from Scottsdale, Arizona. I’ve been following them ever since I got into photography and am always just blown away by their amazing work and their sweet and kind spirits! So when I saw that they were coming to VA Beach to host a workshop, I didn’t hesitate at all! I was on that like white on rice! And boy am I glad I did! These past two days were everything I was expecting and more!
Amy & Jordan were elementary school teachers before becoming photographers. So they are pros at running a classroom, (or in this case, a beach house) and knew how to make sure we all had a great time all day! Jordan is one of the funniest people you’ll ever meet and Amy is just one of those people that makes you smile from ear to ear when you’re around her. But aside from being amazing people, they are also amazing photographers! They have built a booming business and solid brand in just a few short years! They have really perfected their craft and are amazing at serving their clients! It was such an honor to learn from them and pick their brains these last few days. I left last night feeling so inspired and ready to add some amazing new elements to my business! I even took an extra day off work because I knew I would want to sit down and go through my full notebook and start putting these things into practice right away!
The first day of the workshop was all about the technical aspects of photography. Lighting, equipment, settings, etc. This also included a styled shoot so we could practice right beside Amy & Jordan and get some great portfolio images! (Which you’ll have to wait until the shoot is featured to see!) A few weeks ago, the stylist that put on the styled shoot (Amanda Veronee!) put out a model call on facebook for a bride and groom model for the shoot. I immediately texted my dear friend and past bride, Kelsey, telling her that her and husband MUST apply for this!! And they got picked! Yay! It was so amazing to get to photograph them as a bride and groom again almost a year after their actual wedding day! Check out their real wedding from last summer HERE. They were such troopers throughout the shoot, especially for putting up with the heat!! If you live in Virginia, you know that the last few days have been that typical BRUTAL Va summer weather! High 90s and humid! Oh so humid! Amy and Jordan are from Arizona, so they are used to the heat, but not the humidity! Needless to say, they couldn’t wait to get back to their dry homeland! It was so funny chatting with them about the differences between Arizona and Virginia. The thought of scorpions had us all crawling in our skin, and the abundance of swarming bugs in VA had Jordan just about ready to run back to Arizona! Haha!
So needless to say, I had an absolute blast the last 2 days and wish I could do it all over again! It was so great getting to know Amy and Jordan as well as all the amazing attendees! They were all such amazing people and I can honestly say that I left with great group of new friends! Thank you so much to everyone involved in this workshop! You did an amazing job and we are all so grateful! My head and my heart are so full!! So to wrap things up, here are a few behind the scenes shots from all the fun!!
If you follow Amy and Jordan on Periscope, then you’ll know about the Croc Hunter! It was quite a site to see it in person!!
Amy and Jordan were just tickled to be shooting in this location. They can probably count on one hand the number of trees in Arizona! And this was their first time shooting on a dock! How crazy is that?!
At this point we were all swimming in sweat! Yuck!
This little guy joined in the fun too!
Jordan explaining the wonders of the ExpoDisk! I can’t wait to get mine in the mail and start practicing with it!
Time for headshots! It was literally 100 degrees at this point. And SO humid! We had to come out two at a time so we didn’t melt! And Amy had to take several AC breaks! Poor girl!
I loved that the workshop took place in an actual beach house in Sandbridge. It was like being on vacation with all these wonderful people!
And here’s some iphone shots! Panoramic shot I sent to Branden before Day got started!
#demossandwich! Duh!
At the end of day two when we were about to leave, we got hit with a really nasty thunderstorm that even made the power go out for a little bit! Amy and Jordan got the true Virginia summer experience for sure! Plus, it turned out to be a good excuse to stay longer and hang out while we waited out the storm!