June 3, 2015

Old Rag Mountain Hike

old rag mountain hike shenandoah park rock climb summit view virginiaEver since I can remember, my mom has been taking my siblings and I on all these different outdoor adventure trips. Growing up, we did at least one good camping trip in the mountains each year. If my mom had it her way, we would have hiked every mountain trail in country by now! She has quite an adventurous soul. As we got older and more busy, these trips became fewer and fewer. But my youngest brother, the former boy scout, had been asking for a while now for us to all get together to hike Old Rag. So we found a weekend that we were all available and made it happen! I wish I could say that I am an adventurer like my mom, but I think that gene passed over me. I certainly enjoy these trips with my family, but I’m definitely not the type to just go for a hike on a whim! So I’m definitely grateful to have a family that pushes me outside of my comfort zone a little bit with trips like this and our rafting trip last summer!

I was expecting this trail to be like the rest of the trails we’d done in the past. Just a rocky windy trail through the mountains. But no one warned us that once you get close to the top, you have to do some legit rock climbing to get over the summit! It was like 127 hours in real life! Looking back on it in hindsight, it was pretty awesome. But in the moment, I was already struggling after hiking uphill for 3+ hours so I wasn’t necessarily enjoying having to climb over huge boulders and shimmy through tight spaces. I was pretty much dying at this point. haha! We even had a scary moment where we got lost amongst the boulders and had to somehow find our way back! Yikes! But it was SO worth it when we got to the top for the 360 degree view! Oh, there is just nothing like it! It was literally like being on top of the world! I’m so glad I decided to bring my camera to get some pics along the way! Big shout out to Branden who carried the extra weight of the camera in his bag! It’s pretty heavy!

After completing the 9 mile Old Rag hike, we went back to a hotel to crash. We were all hurting pretty good! Is is sad that I’m still a little sore even now? haha! Then the next morning we went tubing down the Rappahannock River! What a blast! I think I’ve had my fill of adventure for a little while, but I’m sure they’ll be dragging out on another trip before I know it!
old rag mountain hike shenandoah park rock climb summit view virginiaA few miles in and still going strong!
old rag mountain hike shenandoah park rock climb summit view virginia
old rag mountain hike shenandoah park rock climb summit view virginia
old rag mountain hike shenandoah park rock climb summit view virginia
old rag mountain hike shenandoah park rock climb summit view virginia
GoPro selfie!old rag mountain hike shenandoah park rock climb summit view virginia
old rag mountain hike shenandoah park rock climb summit view virginia
old rag mountain hike shenandoah park rock climb summit view virginia
What a view!old rag mountain hike shenandoah park rock climb summit view virginia
old rag mountain hike shenandoah park rock climb summit view virginia
old rag mountain hike shenandoah park rock climb summit view virginia
old rag mountain hike shenandoah park rock climb summit view virginia
This is where the rock climbing started! I didn’t take many pictures at this point, as I was a little preoccupied with trying not to plummet to my death! haha!old rag mountain hike shenandoah park rock climb summit view virginia
This is my mom’s happy place! With all her kiddos on the top of a mountain!old rag mountain hike shenandoah park rock climb summit view virginia
old rag mountain hike shenandoah park rock climb summit view virginia
Then we finally made it to the top and had to stop for a little snoozer and lunch!old rag mountain hike shenandoah park rock climb summit view virginia
old rag mountain hike shenandoah park rock climb summit view virginia
old rag mountain hike shenandoah park rock climb summit view virginia
old rag mountain hike shenandoah park rock climb summit view virginia
old rag mountain hike shenandoah park rock climb summit view virginia
old rag mountain hike shenandoah park rock climb summit view virginia
Mom and all my siblings!old rag mountain hike shenandoah park rock climb summit view virginia
old rag mountain hike shenandoah park rock climb summit view virginia
old rag mountain hike shenandoah park rock climb summit view virginia
old rag mountain hike shenandoah park rock climb summit view virginia
I tried to get my brother and his girlfriend to do a cute snuggly pose, but they weren’t having it- but at least I got this cute laughing pic out of them!old rag mountain hike shenandoah park rock climb summit view virginia
old rag mountain hike shenandoah park rock climb summit view virginia
old rag mountain hike shenandoah park rock climb summit view virginia
old rag mountain hike shenandoah park rock climb summit view virginia
old rag mountain hike shenandoah park rock climb summit view virginia
What a nice spot for a nap!old rag mountain hike shenandoah park rock climb summit view virginia
old rag mountain hike shenandoah park rock climb summit view virginia
Then after walking another 5+ miles back down the mountain, we made it to a little creek and just had to stop to dip our aching feet in it!old rag mountain hike shenandoah park rock climb summit view virginia
old rag mountain hike shenandoah park rock climb summit view virginia
Once we got back to car, we grabbed a quick self-timer shot! We survived!old rag mountain hike shenandoah park rock climb summit view virginia

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