Weddings are officially a wrap for 2021, so that means it’s time for the annual Behind the Scenes blog post!! And this year is extra special because you get to see my baby bump grow! I started the season with a barely there baby bump and ended with a big 35-week belly! This was my […]
I debated whether or not to do a Behind-the-Scenes post for 2020. But I’ll be damned if 2020 takes anything else from me! Each behind-the-scenes blog post usually has it’s own unique characteristics. Whether it’s a growing pregnant belly or a receding postpartum hairline, there’s usually something that makes each year unique. For 2020, it’s […]
Being an excellent wedding photographer requires more than just a knowledge of camera equipment and lighting. There are a lot of unique skills and tricks that a wedding photographer must learn and possess in order to create consistent high quality photos. There are a lot of things happening on weddings days and lot of different […]
If you are one of those people that has found yourself with a lot more free time thanks to COVID quarantine, then you’ve probably thought about ways you can be using this time to work on things within your business. Updating your website, online education and maybe even catching up on blogging. But then your […]
By now, you’ve probably heard a lot of people saying that updating your website is a great way to make use of your time in isolation right now. Refresh your galleries, update the copy and make sure it represents you well and is attracting your ideal client. But while you’re at it, it’s also a […]
Blogging may have slowed down over here these days, but I always try to make sure that this post gets up each year! Behind the scenes!!! It’s so fun to see what it looks like behind all the beautiful weddings you guys see me sharing! It’s generally not very glamorous on the other side of […]